Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Lens wooooo hooooo

Sunday Dec. 30th 2007

Since I have chosen Pentax as my camera brand of choice, I am now in constant search of Pentax compatable lenses. Which as it turns out is every Pentax lens ever made.

Ok, seriously I knew I would have to draw the line somewhere, so I'm choosing to limit my used lens collection to "A" series lenses. I like them for a number of reasons, of course the number one reason is image quality (though I think most all of the "prime" manual focus lenses are excellent. The second reason is rather capricious, but it is simply that I like the style/design of the A lenses better. something about the way the lens is labeled around the outside of the front of the lens, it just seems.... well Bold. and of course with the "A" setting on the aperature ring it is fully automatic except for focus.

Anyway my constant vigilance on craigslist paid off yesterday, and I was able to pick up for the paltry sum of 50 dollars a mint condition in original box 28mm 2.8 "A" lens. This lens is sharp, It could become my new "walk around" lens. Though I typically like something a little wider on a 1.5x crop camera, It's sharpness may win me over. I'm including in this post a picture of a girl from church I took this afternoon We'll call her Miss "C" I've only actually taken 3 shots with this lens, and this is one of them. Ok then lets see if we can get this thing posted.

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